Club Spares

There are 'Parts Funds' set up for both the Series and Fastback models.

The club runs a spares scheme to help members. Parts are becoming increasing scarce, especially body panels & trim items, but most mechanical parts are still available.

NB: Fastback parts are now only available to members, who must quote their membership number, but non-members can still make enquiries to the Series spares secretary about parts availability, but the cost of these are generally higher than the discounted prices that members benefit from.

It is the Sunbeam Rapier Owners Club policy to only purchase and supply new or new 'old stock' parts to avoid possible problems which may arise from the supply of used parts. Some non-safety critical items are available as used items where no new old stock item exists; again, please contact the relevant spares secretary to what is available.

We also have a number of contacts for people with used and second-hand parts for sale and we will happily put members and non-members in touch with such people in the event that we cannot supply a part. We do not hold or accept any responsibility for any consequences arising from any subsequent transactions that may occur between the parties concerned.

The club has some re-manufactured items available for both Series & Fastback models. These include chrome & rubber items for Series cars & body panels for Fastback cars, all of which are available at prices exclusive to paid up members.

When contacting the Spares Secretaries please quote your membership number and please remember that they are ordinary working people, so will not be readily available at all times.

Fastback Spares

Peter Lawrence

Club spares are subject to a stock-take and therefore a new list will be published in due course.

However, if you are a member and need parts, please do contact Pete & he will look to help you out or point you in the right direction for the part you need. Please quote your membership number when making contact.

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Series Spares

Mike Langley

07956 165937

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All submissions for the website should be sent to the Webmaster.

All content copyright Sunbeam Rapier Owners Club.