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 eBay x2 fastbacks

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ianh120 Posted - 12 May 2013 : 22:22:37
Two new fastbacks on eBay one early h120 in Nottingham a rougher rapier sorry can't load photos but somebody will help aim sure
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mooresy Posted - 19 May 2013 : 12:48:38
Wow, The guy from Wakefield must own his own classic car restoration business or want a donor car or something. Either that or he was visually impaired.
Be interesting to see if it crops up on here.

That has surprised me !
Stig Posted - 19 May 2013 : 10:02:51
looks like the guy from wakefield was tempted, either that or the seller has withdrawn it because the auction has ended. I tried to upload a picture of my rapier and got these messages There is a problem with the file you are attempting to upload.

Filename rapier.jpg File names must use only valid characters
Extension .jpg Certain file extensions are not accepted
Size 534.41 KB File sizes must be reasonable

is it possible to upload directly on this forum or do i need a photobucket account ? Thanks Stig
Mooresy Posted - 18 May 2013 : 22:43:21
Originally posted by Rapierdave

Well it just goes to show that the camera (and the vendor can lie).
Thanks Mooresy for giving an excellent report on the car.
Sounds like the vendor is a tad optimistic in his pricing, it is however annoying when you drive a fair distance to view a car based on description & it turns out to be a pile of dog do do.

Jason & Martin i will not be buying this car, however has anyone seen the Hunter GT on Flea Bay its a stunner.

Yes, This sold only last week at mathewsons the estimate was £5000 to £7000. unfortunately it doesn't say if it sold and if so, what for.
However, It did sell on ebay 5 or 6 years ago for just over £2,500. I watched it and made a note. Thought at the time it should have gone for more.

Coupes are cool

Mooresy Posted - 18 May 2013 : 22:35:58
Originally posted by Stig

hi mooresy have you seen this rapier on your journey round the net? looks a nice car, i wonder if its well know amongst the veterans here who might have some info on it? its out of my price range for a standard rapier.

Yes, It's been up for sale off-n'-on for ever. Over-priced. that's why it's not sold. Same colour as the H120 should have been in Notts.

Some things are only worth what people will pay. If no-one pays, then it ain't worth-it.
Rapierdave Posted - 18 May 2013 : 22:18:45
Well it just goes to show that the camera (and the vendor can lie).
Thanks Mooresy for giving an excellent report on the car.
Sounds like the vendor is a tad optimistic in his pricing, it is however annoying when you drive a fair distance to view a car based on description & it turns out to be a pile of dog do do.

Jason & Martin i will not be buying this car, however has anyone seen the Hunter GT on Flea Bay its a stunner.

Coupes are cool

Stig Posted - 18 May 2013 : 21:26:57
hi mooresy have you seen this rapier on your journey round the net? looks a nice car, i wonder if its well know amongst the veterans here who might have some info on it? its out of my price range for a standard rapier.
Mooresy Posted - 18 May 2013 : 18:20:37
A little bit younger stig, 46.
Mine was a 'Factory Black' and some-one told me from the club at the only 'meet' I went to, that it was the only 'Factory' Black known to the club. My white one was from South Africa. Rust free but sun damaged, with a lot of filler due to accident damage. I cant remember the reg for this one but I saw it on ebay about 6 or 7 years ago.
Like you I'm in no hurry. The important thing is, its a good car and not a 'scuffed over' basket case.
Stig Posted - 18 May 2013 : 17:29:25
you must be about the same age as me 50(ish)? there was me cruising around the south of England in a black rapier with red pinstripes thinking I had a totally unique car. They were mostly turquoise i seem to remember and I had it sprayed black. I will dig out a photo of me with my black rapier and you will see how similar our cars were. if I cannot find a good one then I will camp here until one of the lovely cars in this club comes up for sale...i can wait
Mooresy Posted - 18 May 2013 : 15:46:42
Yes, It got the right kind of attention. I also owned a white one. The black one had a Holbay in it as well. I bought a Holbay boot of a bloke in Yorkshire for £50 but never got around to fitting it.
The tax ran out in Jan 1994 I think. It sat on my parents drive for 12 months then in my garage until 1996. By this time I was too busy with work and house renovations so I sold it to a bloke from Wigan for £500 inc the Holbay boot. It needed new sills by this time. I had started one side but lost interest.
I checked with the DVLA recently and I was the last to tax it. So, said bloke from Wigan must have scrapped it or still have it sitting in his garage.
I originally bought it off a couple of 'trendies' from Didsbury (as in the Manchester suburb)for £400-and-something...
Stig Posted - 18 May 2013 : 15:10:14
thats really weird, one of my rapiers was black with red pinstripes as well. not the same car as yours. it really looked great as did yours. has this/your car gone to car heaven as well? Mine fell to pieces with rust no matter how much money I kept throwing at it. In the end I moved to a ford and never experienced any rust then or since. saying all this..I never owned a car that gave me the thrill the sunbeams used to. fantastic looking car and underlooked.
Mooresy Posted - 18 May 2013 : 15:00:29
Originally posted by Mooresy

Originally posted by Stig

nope not me. if it was put into a open auction i would likely make a bid on it, but if its needing a (good) spray job and tidying up and I am going no where near £4k. would you take it at much lower price or steer clear of it all together Moresy after viewing it?

I would, personally steer clear and would advise anyone else to steer clear. There is a lot (and I mean a lot) of bodywork to do on this one (At that price anyway, everything is relative). It would be OK as a project if you could do all the work your-self. but it would certainly need taking back to bare metal as a starting point.
I would say, If you could do all the work yourself then perhaps under £2,000 would get it together. If you had to pay professionals then you could probably spend three times that.

My old rapier in 1993.

Mooresy Posted - 18 May 2013 : 14:58:49
Originally posted by Stig

nope not me. if it was put into a open auction i would likely make a bid on it, but if its needing a (good) spray job and tidying up and I am going no where near £4k. would you take it at much lower price or steer clear of it all together Moresy after viewing it?

I would, personally steer clear and would advise anyone else to steer clear (at that kind of money that is. Everything is relative) There is a lot (and I mean a lot) of bodywork to do on this one. It would be OK as a project if you could do all the work your-self. but it would certainly need taking back to bare metal as a starting point.
I would say, If you could do all the work yourself then perhaps under £2,000 would get it together. If you had to pay professionals then you could probably spend three times that.

My old rapier in 1992.

Stig Posted - 18 May 2013 : 14:14:59
i have owned 2 rapier fastbacks in my time. one a H120 (1972) the other a standard rapier (1968). The big problem I had with these cars 20 years ago when they were a nighmare with rust problems. I dont doubt with the extra 20 years added, this problem can only be worse on the remaining vehicles. I am more concerned about the bodywork then the mechanics. if it turns out that there is not a decent one out there I will not buy. have you owned one before Moresy? if not be very careful you dont end up with a nice looking rusting money pit
Stig Posted - 18 May 2013 : 14:07:33
nope not me. if it was put into a open auction i would likely make a bid on it, but if its needing a (good) spray job and tidying up and I am going no where near £4k. would you take it at much lower price or steer clear of it all together Moresy after viewing it?
Mooresy Posted - 18 May 2013 : 13:59:50
There was a guy going to look at it from Wakefield apparently. Its not you is it Stig ?
I can guarantee you he wont buy it.

This is exactly the reason I would never bid on a car on ebay unless I'd seen it first (and it was local). You could travel 300 miles to view it, like it, bid on it, only to have someone pay well over the odds and out bid you. Crazy.

This will be on ebay with free bidding in a couple of weeks, We'll see...

I even drew a deposit out of the bank...

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