If you pay more but get a good honest car you are not going to have to spend a fortune on making it road worthy plus you intend keeping it for many years then spending a larger amount makes perfect sense to me. getting a decent good quality classic car is also going to be a purchase of the heart. The last thing you want is have your heart broken buying a rust bucket with a shady history of boy racers and large dollops of Isopon. I wish the new owner of this lovely looking car nothing but years of pleasure which will surely compensate for the cost.
I don't think it would have made quite that much, but that was and probably still is a genuine car. It was owned by a club member in Cambs for many years and had only done 17k when he bought it and he only used it for National's. He sold it about 10/15 years ago, so it has presumably been looked after the same by next owner. It used to be 95% original paint, but it could have had a respray? Still someone has got a very very nice car there with nothing to do but enjoy it...and care for it of course `
So much better than the other expensive dross that has been for sale of late, so actually pretty good value. I think this was for sale on here some years ago, when there used to be some rather nice cars in the classified section.
I really like this one albeit the price. if my garage was not full I would go and view this one and see if the seller is open to a offer. looks a lovely motor, but they all do in the adverts...I wonder what the floor pan is like ....looks like one for Moresy to do a report on ;)