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 Fast back parts

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AlanS Posted - 19 Dec 2024 : 16:54:38
Does any one know where I can obtain a Fastback parts manual?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JPSH120 Posted - 15 Jan 2025 : 22:48:59
There is 1 single shackle on ebay but you should be able to get them off without having to cut them. Fingers crossed anyway!
AlanS Posted - 08 Jan 2025 : 16:09:35
Thank you very much for your help and advice, it's much appreciated. we were after the rear spring shackles in case the originals needed to be cut off.
JPSH120 Posted - 03 Jan 2025 : 23:58:58
There's a pair of OE front leaf spring bushes on ebay, link below. Ideally, you want to fit polyurethane bushes because they give the car a much better feel and don't suffer from degradation like some of the new old stock original rubber ones can. If you do an online search for hillman hunter bushes you should find everything you need.
For anti roll bar metalwork that's a bit more tricky, but try Paul Marshall and see if he can help. Do you also need the rear spring shackles or just bushes?
AlanS Posted - 03 Jan 2025 : 15:45:34
I was looking for part numbers for specific front and rear bushes for the rear springs and front anti roll bar bushes plus other bits to go with them, please see attached images, parts required are circled plus the parts in number 8 on the rear suspension

JPSH120 Posted - 19 Dec 2024 : 23:10:45
Do you mean the original rootes parts catalogue? You'd have to keep an eye out for one on ebay perhaps.
Are there specific part numbers that you are trying to identify? I have a copy of the parts manual, so if I can help let me know.

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