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T O P I C    R E V I E W
devnet H120 Posted - 21 May 2012 : 08:43:13

devnet H120
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
argonaut Posted - 22 May 2012 : 20:31:29
I can't tell you much about the current condition and you have to remember that it was restored by Alec Nisbet (as Derek already mentioned). AFAIK, Alec did a good job on it and it's likely OK. In my ownership time, it needed both outer sills doing, one inner plus both front outriggers. Also the front valance was yucky and the rear not much better. It also needed a D/S front wing. Looking at the pics it seems that all that was done. I would say that if you can, go and have a look or maybe ask the seller for some more pictures, especially of the crucial areas.
Otherwise, all I can say is that it was a good car when I had it, the engine was in excellent condition - when I bought the car it had around 70,000 miles on it but ran perfectly.
534N13 Posted - 22 May 2012 : 19:58:15
Alright guys is anyone thinking about bidding on this as I've been looking for one for a few years and this looks like a decent start ??
argonaut Posted - 21 May 2012 : 20:27:43
Wow, well I never. I bought that car in around 1986, it had just failed the MOT on bad outer sills but otherwise it was in good nick - as is often the case, I bought it as a spares car only to find out it was in far better condition than my restoration project car.
It's gained a few alterations since I owned it, a black stripe for one thing and a door mirror for another, otherwise it looks the same. I see from the tax disk that it was taxed up unitl April 2010 so it can't be all that bad, must be worth a look at least. As Derek pointed out, unusual colour and when I owned it had colour coded everything - I nick-named it the "Purple Monster"
I'm glad to see it's still around
1922 Posted - 21 May 2012 : 18:11:21
Wow - I know that car, it used to sit behind house!

I helped a mate find it a new home, it got restored by an SROC member (Alec Nisbet) and, eventually sold.

Very unusual car with full purple interior.

It was very solid - but it's a few years since I saw it.

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