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T O P I C    R E V I E W
steve wilkinson Posted - 03 Sep 2010 : 00:26:31
The recently restored yellow GLS is up for sale at over £8000
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
turbinecol Posted - 27 Nov 2012 : 14:58:26
It reached a dizzy £5500 this time, but don't think the reserve was met. Maybe found a buyer off-line.

Considering the car is starting to deteriorate and the blown over rot is coming through again, that is strong going.
turbinecol Posted - 14 Nov 2012 : 12:21:27
the yellow one is back again!! Guy decided he needed to buy an MPV instead...brilliant..

JPSH120 Posted - 09 Oct 2012 : 18:32:57
Green one is on ebay;


turbinecol Posted - 05 Oct 2012 : 13:23:34
this one is back again!

The guy bought it and then it sat around, which is a shame after he obviously spent a lot of money buying it in the first place. Hoping to recoup his investment by advertising for £10K along with a green GLS thrown in for good measure. The green one looked more interesting as it hadn't been tampered with so much as the yellow one, but needs a lot of work.

Anyway, they are there listed separately again. Let's see how much they get to this time..
turbinecol Posted - 07 Sep 2010 : 08:11:28
Well, we were right, no one took it on at that price. It is now down slightly to £6000.
steve wilkinson Posted - 04 Sep 2010 : 10:54:39
Agreed Dave - although they are now very rare it is OTT price wise.Fast Fords from the 70's however have rocketed in price over the last couple of years, I guess it comes down to supply and demand. A lot of 40/50 year old drivers would have owned a sporty Escort or Capri back in their youth/early twenties and I guess they all want to relive the good old days again!I wouldn't say no to a mk1 or mk2 Lotus Cortina but the £15,000-20,000 price tag could be the sticking point!And to think that not so long ago you could pick up a sporty Escort Mexico/RS 2000 for a song!
Rapierdave Posted - 04 Sep 2010 : 09:36:47
A nice car but will not sell at that price.
He will be lucky if he gets offers for half that amount in the current economic climate.
As the previous poster said if the car was totally original and concours then maybe someone would be prepared to part with amounts above £5000.
Rootes cars even when rare models never seem to command as high a value as an equivalent Ford, Vauxhall's also seem to be undervalued.
Jon Posted - 04 Sep 2010 : 09:25:45
Cant belive the price of this.There is no way its worth anywhere near that

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turbinecol Posted - 03 Sep 2010 : 08:20:32
Yes, I suspect he is keen to sell it before the rust starts breaking out again.

I know he is trying to recover a lot of expense (engine must have set him back a bit), but to ask for really top dollar it needs to be very original condition, low mileage, with all the correct detailing in my opinion. That means things like the proper wheels, most of the original paint and coachlines ,totally correct front end. On the plus side interior looks spot on apart from the steering wheel.

I do think Practical Classics and all the mags are hugely undercalling the value of these cars by the way, but perhaps not quite to this extent!

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