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 h120 for sale

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
55ser1 Posted - 13 Aug 2019 : 22:34:32
A friend of mine has a H120 for sale. He completed a nut and bolt restoration on it a couple of years ago and says he is not using it enough so the time has come to part company. According to him the car was used as a sweeper car in the 1973 Circuit Of Rally----supplied by the local Chrysler dealer. Car is in mint condition, red and is MOTed this week. At £16000 it is not cheap but the condition and history reflects this. If anyone is genuinely interested they can P.M. me
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
IanEndurer Posted - 08 Nov 2019 : 21:04:23
Is this still for sale?
55ser1 Posted - 23 Oct 2019 : 00:23:15
Hello Paul
I don,t think it has been sold yet but I believe he has an offer on it

Pauld Posted - 21 Oct 2019 : 09:21:41
Originally posted by Pauld

Originally posted by paul marshall

paul marshall

Wonderful! Has it been sold as yet?
Pauld Posted - 21 Oct 2019 : 09:20:04
Originally posted by paul marshall

paul marshall

paul marshall Posted - 20 Aug 2019 : 20:32:22

paul marshall
paul marshall Posted - 20 Aug 2019 : 20:31:08

paul marshall
paul marshall Posted - 20 Aug 2019 : 20:30:01

paul marshall
paul marshall Posted - 20 Aug 2019 : 20:29:00

paul marshall
paul marshall Posted - 20 Aug 2019 : 20:27:57

paul marshall
paul marshall Posted - 20 Aug 2019 : 20:26:35

paul marshall
paul marshall Posted - 20 Aug 2019 : 20:25:24

paul marshall
55ser1 Posted - 15 Aug 2019 : 01:14:19
Hello Paul
will try and get some photos from him and hopefully get them posted within the next couple of days
paul marshall Posted - 14 Aug 2019 : 21:50:41
interesting, are you able to put some photos up? to get an average (ie rusty) fastback sorted out , painted and tip top would cost five figures and loads of hours so for a good car £16k is fair, i have a h120 with a solid shell from cyprus, and i want 7k for that as it is,(rebuilt engine could do with a paint job) and if i strip and do the paint id be asking similar money. I also have the yellow h120 for resto, running, soon to be driving (good interior needs usual welding) if i get time to sort the brakes and clutch master/slave etc and will be asking £4950 so as they are thin on the ground and i cant buy any more these prices are not unrealistic. I always advise people not to buy based on the price, buy based on the car.Quality cannot be bought in tescos!
good luck with the sale i think they are undervalued, a tatty white fastback that had been doing the rounds for a couple of years eventually sold on ebay for £1700, with pension money coming out and all the rest of the marques of the era fetching more money, more people will turn to rootes stuff.

paul marshall

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