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 1968 rapier now lower price

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ebdons Posted - 03 Apr 2019 : 17:09:30
Hi, this had just been lowered to a more reasonable price £1795 from £2795 a while back, but still will no doubt be hiding all sorts? Ton
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mooresy Posted - 05 May 2019 : 09:54:19
Cars this bad are simply not viable.
Cost v/s time v/s finished value. That the calculation most people run in their heads.
There are far more pleasurable ways to 'waste' your money.
paul marshall Posted - 11 Apr 2019 : 20:53:32
yes i always think the numberplate thing is bollxxxxxx , i mean you dont put tape over it when in tesco, the body has odd rust in the wrong places like the scuttle, top of rear wing etc i dont think the floor was that bad but a lot can happen in 4 years. best to have a look, i expect you could get it cheaper if you went there with cash and an empty truck

paul marshall
jimlagos Posted - 07 Apr 2019 : 22:17:46
Perhaps that's why vendors hide the number plate? I was told it was for security, but why? The number plate is on show if you drive it around.

pollystag Posted - 07 Apr 2019 : 19:20:57
Yes that's the one, i was was intrested in this at first but when I saw the mot fail list it was a no no for me, all the mechanics are no problem but the body and chassis were said to be extremely rusty.
paul marshall Posted - 04 Apr 2019 : 23:11:37
i owned this for a few months, isnt this vfn xxxh ? i have a few pics of it, sold it about 4 yrs ago to a young bloke and he sold it a year after or so , now turned up again, you could have got it for £500 or so about 6 months ago, usual trick, buy, stick up for way high and hope to get lucky, then lower and it looks cheap but by the end of it you make a few hundred in the end

paul marshall
pollystag Posted - 04 Apr 2019 : 17:51:46
I rang this feller and asked for an honest description which he gave, I then asked him for the reg and looked it up on the dvla mot checker and the list of fails is mind blowing there must be a whole page full.that car is a full restoration job no probs.
paul marshall Posted - 03 Apr 2019 : 21:28:15
looks like you forgot the link! any more info ? cheers

paul marshall

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