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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hillman Posted - 14 Feb 2019 : 07:34:41

good base. apparently low mileage.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bigt80 Posted - 12 Mar 2019 : 21:04:55
Yes indeed - 2 saved - well done chaps! . G
ebdons Posted - 11 Mar 2019 : 14:20:13
Hi, that's good news. another rescued, I still think these fastbacks should be worth more? the shape is very attractive and always gets a look from folks, keep us updated on your progress. Ton
Laceyspacey Posted - 11 Mar 2019 : 11:12:51

I have just bought the OKL Rapier - looks like its has had a clean since coming out of the barn but will see when it arrives at the weekend.

Originally posted by bigt80

Don't see any for ages and then 2 white ones come along together. Didn't see this post until after I'd posted reply to other thread.
I saw OKL (in pictures) when it was first dragged out & looking very sad - a bit like the under-bonnet area looks in the latest photos. I have also seen HLY before, but that one wasn't known to the club as I recall, so that seems to be a genuine 'barn-find' & likely true low-milage.
Hope it is as genuine as it looks when it turns up: let us know how you get on & if you need any spares, there is a sale coming up of club parts to members.
Cheers. G

ebdons Posted - 02 Mar 2019 : 18:51:28
Hi, thx for the response, it arrived ok and does seem accurate for the mileage, although I was at my max bid of £2200 and was surprised it went that high? not many left around like this car then? sorry if other folks were interested, but it has suffered badly from storage and peter stocker the seller had just last week rescued a rotten MGTD from the same place, so maybe I got this before it went any worse? a long term project for me so many months/years of work, but as has been said a Good Base to start from? Tony
bigt80 Posted - 02 Mar 2019 : 18:01:34
Don't see any for ages and then 2 white ones come along together. Didn't see this post until after I'd posted reply to other thread.
I saw OKL (in pictures) when it was first dragged out & looking very sad - a bit like the under-bonnet area looks in the latest photos. I have also seen HLY before, but that one wasn't known to the club as I recall, so that seems to be a genuine 'barn-find' & likely true low-milage.
Hope it is as genuine as it looks when it turns up: let us know how you get on & if you need any spares, there is a sale coming up of club parts to members.
Cheers. G
ebdons Posted - 01 Mar 2019 : 19:41:29
Hi, without seeing this on here I bought this car, as there was a link from my ebay, here is another which I was looking at last year altho the mileage isn't specified? and may have gone over the clock? ,

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