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 Straight Looking White Fastback

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Mooresy Posted - 13 Oct 2013 : 11:39:24
Looks in reasonable condition. Wing tips starting to go but salvageable at this stage I'd say. Looks honest enough to me. Shame its too far.
I'd price this at somewhere between condition 1 and 2 (practical classics guide) given the rust a little nearer the 2 ?
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fastback Thomas Posted - 21 Nov 2013 : 13:32:27
Good to see an early one gets saved!!

Have fun with her..

'68 sunbeam rapier fastback {B341006846 OD/LHO}
I like a car that looks normal but really knocks your socks off!!
Mooresy Posted - 09 Nov 2013 : 22:29:16
Good stuff Arran, I wondered if it had sold. You are certainly traveling a fair distance but I guess if you can turn it into a break / adventure then all-the-better. I'm afraid I'm too busy and lazy to travel any more than 100 miles. So, I'll keep looking until something crops up. Good Luck. (just being nosey, but what did you get it for ?)
Arran Posted - 09 Nov 2013 : 17:39:43
I can proudly announce that I will be the owner of this white beauty (with a few rusty spots). I made an offer and after the Ā«asking priceĀ» was not met, the vendor accepted my best offer.
I am travelling by train south to Newton Abbot next weekend (15./16./17.) and then slowly up to Scotland along the west coast, using probably about a week and avoiding motorways. No exact route, just after our whims. However, if anybody is intersted to meet, please send a private message.
Mooresy Posted - 29 Oct 2013 : 22:45:16
Originally posted by MartinD

The decent looking white Rapier has been relisted on ebay, so I guess they didn't get what they wanted for it.

I'm tempted myself but it's a very long way away and a bit more than I can afford.

Same boat, I'd want to sort those wings and arches out for the money.
MartinD Posted - 29 Oct 2013 : 19:47:38
The decent looking white Rapier has been relisted on ebay, so I guess they didn't get what they wanted for it.

I'm tempted myself but it's a very long way away and a bit more than I can afford.
Arran Posted - 22 Oct 2013 : 12:21:30
So, it seems that Fastback has gone. I wonder if the seller really got what he asked for.
arrocuda Posted - 13 Oct 2013 : 17:43:35
Originally posted by JPSH120

if you want one that doesn't come with a story as dodgy as an eastenders plot!!

Building the 'Mark II' fastback Rapier ('Arrocuda').
Mooresy Posted - 13 Oct 2013 : 17:12:18
Shame, I just do not have the time at the moment to do a 400 mile round trip.
JPSH120 Posted - 13 Oct 2013 : 16:46:18
I know the car having helped to sell it when the current owner bought it. It is a very genuine and honest example and the condition is very good for its age, it hasn't deteriorated any since I last saw it either looking at the photo's.

Judging by the prices some people have been asking recently for cars with dubious history, I think this is a fair deal. Certainly worth a look if you want one that doesn't come with a story as dodgy as an eastenders plot!!


Arran Posted - 13 Oct 2013 : 15:45:01
Yes, this seems to be one of the better offers. My problem is me living on a Scottish Island and going to Devon is really a bit costly, just to get a NO...
The colour scheme is very chic. I've never seen a white one.
arrocuda Posted - 13 Oct 2013 : 13:51:43
It's currently got 47 watchers, although I accept that some of them will be existing Rapier owners looking for a valuation, but I think this is one of the better ones on ebay for a while. At least you know what you're getting. If it wasn't for the rust appearing around the front wings it would probably be worth the asking price. As is... I'd bid him maybe £2750. They are definitely appreciating at the moment though. Might have to rebuild my other Rapier as standard now!

Building the 'Mark II' fastback Rapier ('Arrocuda').

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