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 Weber conversion

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
UMU Posted - 15 Jan 2013 : 10:27:02
It seems like ive had this set of weber 40s for ages now, so its time to get them on - Thanks for the nudge Jason.
Im missing some bits though and although i could buy new, id like to avoid this if poss to save a bit of cash.

Im after
4 - 32mm chokes
4 - Trumpets (must be shiney)
Either the origional air box assembly or aftermarket filters.
Also i have a distinct lack of cables, linking bars, etc.

If anyone has any of the above, please let me know

The pics show what i have -

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JPSH120 Posted - 09 May 2013 : 11:39:25
Originally posted by UMU

Still hates it between revs 1500-2000, but once over that, WOW its like a racing engine, revs, pulls and sounds awesome.

That's more like it, well done!!


UMU Posted - 09 May 2013 : 11:34:49
So good news
Yesterday evening I had a friend of mine come round, who is a mechanic and we worked on the engine for an hour or so.

She now purrs well and pulls off...
Still hates it between revs 1500-2000, but once over that, WOW its like a racing engine, revs, pulls and sounds awesome.
The power increase is pretty dramatic, rear wheel spin is now something to be aware of to.

I've ordered a H120 electronic dizzy and new coil to boot, which should sort the remaining problem, as I've learnt it gives the different advance curve that the webers like.

Also the Holbay rocker cover is on

UMU Posted - 28 Mar 2013 : 13:10:27
Jon, thanks for the message. I intend to work on the setting up this weekend.
With your advise and previous advise i actually have a chance of sorting things out.

Do you know the kind words and advise is so appreciated and is partly why i enjoy my sunbeam and being part of the club. It really makes a difference to know that we selflessly help eachother.
Thank you!

Jon Posted - 23 Mar 2013 : 14:39:55
Originally posted by UMU

Well noticed, thank you. I have also heard that the H120 doesn't have a vacuum dizzy and have tried mine with the vacuum connected to the servo vacuum and also with it blocked.
Neather make any difference so might be worth trying a different dizzy.

I've tinkered today and adjusted the 4 screws, which seem to have to be turned out 1 1/2 turns to run smoothly without much pinking.
I've also tried running the engine without the inspection caps to avoid starvation of air and still no difference - it idles ok, but won't accelerate

Might have to get it towed to the rolling road.

Have you rebuilt the carbs??
Take the tops off the carbs take the floats off, take the needle valve out and blow the carb body out with an air line,where the needle fits.If the carbs have been standing for a while there prone for oxidising in this area. Also check the float angle and re set the floats.Fit carb top and put all back together.Turn the 4 mixture screws all the way in and back them off two turns, slack the balance bar right off,look into the venturi and turn the idle screw till the venturi flap just opens.Then tighten up the balance bar so it just nips up before the other spindle strats to turn.Start the engine and use a carb balancer to get both carbs perfect on the balance bar. Or a piece of tube to your ear if you know what your litening to!!lol
Its very hard to explain the ins and outs to setting your webbers up, but I tell you now you will carry a terminal screw driver in your top shirt pocket everytime you drive your rapier and will know all about webbers in 6 months of driving it
Saying all that though I love them and there the best carb set up you can fit if the jets and settings are right and if not they will cost you fortunes in fuel.
Good luck if you were closer i would get it sorted for you

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Fastback Thomas Posted - 21 Mar 2013 : 18:23:55
No problem Martin,

it's just that it really makes a big difference!!! and I hope you get it solved mate!

'68 sunbeam rapier fastback {B341006846 OD/LHO}
I like a car that looks normal but really knocks your socks off!!
1922 Posted - 21 Mar 2013 : 12:54:45
I assume they are the same as the series cars that have the alloy rocker cover - such as the Alpine sports cars.

So Alpine West Midlands might have them, or Speedy Spares in Brighton.

JPSH120 Posted - 20 Mar 2013 : 21:29:57
Originally posted by UMU

Thanks Tim ill replace hoses, as they are very stiff and also remove the dizzy vacuum for good.

Does anyone have any spare holbay rocket cover bolts going or know where I might find them in good nik as im now wanting to crown the engine

They're studs not bolts mate, I may have some spare somewhere? Alternatively you could make some using some suitable threaded bar.


UMU Posted - 20 Mar 2013 : 20:33:09
Typo - thanks Tom :-)

UMU Posted - 20 Mar 2013 : 20:32:09
Thanks Tim ill replace hoses, as they are very stiff and also remove the dizzy vacuum for good.

Does anyone have any spare holbay rocket cover bolts going or know where I might find them in good nik as im now wanting to crown the engine

Fastback Thomas Posted - 19 Mar 2013 : 20:06:47
Hi Martin,
Looks so good with the webers!!! (I'm jealous!!!!)
Hope you get it running and accelerating nicely!
Just a thought we had the same problem with our triumph MKI not accelerating properly.
It turned out to be a very hard vacuum line causing it to leak.. new vacuum line cured it and it's now running better then ever!
The tubes look new so I'd say check the T-piece and the other connections...

Hope it helps mate!

'68 sunbeam rapier fastback {B341006846 OD/LHO}
I like a car that looks normal but really knocks your socks off!!
UMU Posted - 19 Mar 2013 : 18:59:11
Ps, Andy thanks for your comment:-)

UMU Posted - 19 Mar 2013 : 18:56:33
Well noticed, thank you. I have also heard that the H120 doesn't have a vacuum dizzy and have tried mine with the vacuum connected to the servo vacuum and also with it blocked.
Neather make any difference so might be worth trying a different dizzy.

I've tinkered today and adjusted the 4 screws, which seem to have to be turned out 1 1/2 turns to run smoothly without much pinking.
I've also tried running the engine without the inspection caps to avoid starvation of air and still no difference - it idles ok, but won't accelerate

Might have to get it towed to the rolling road.

arrocuda Posted - 19 Mar 2013 : 09:30:41
I notice from the pic' that you're still running with the vacuum dizzy Martin. As I recall from the time I was doing the research that Chris provided me with the valve timing data for, the mechanical (H120) dizzy has a slower advance curve so as to allow the piston to travel higher up the bore, increasing the compression before the spark. Even at maximum advance, (high revs), they run around 10 degrees less advance than the vacuum unit.

Could be worth trying to slow down the ignition advance by putting a slightly heavier spring on the advance mechanism if you don't have a mechanical dizzy.

Building the 'Mark II' fastback Rapier ('Arrocuda').
retro68 Posted - 18 Mar 2013 : 23:18:00
Looks great,good work, I luv the cars but not so mechanically minded, hope you get the running sorted, cheers Andy.
UMU Posted - 18 Mar 2013 : 20:03:30
Ive now completed the job - the car doesnt run too well, but its booked in for a day on a rolling road to sort it out.

The last time it started was in Jan, and tonight it started with the webers first time and sound so so good. It idles very well to, just wants to die under acceleration.

Anyway enjoy the photos and thanks for all the advice guy!!!

ps a holbay rocker cover will be on as soon as i find the right fixing bolts!

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