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 Starter motor on Rapier Series V

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Stella Posted - 17 Nov 2011 : 13:43:06
Hi everyone... my husband has fitted electronic ignition and replaced the battery. Now he is wondering if the starter motor (which seems to be original) should be replaced as well. The problem is that the whole thing turns very sluggishly and then, just as you think of kicking it, it catches... (we have meticulously followed the starting instructions in the handbook)

any ideas anyone ???


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stella Posted - 18 Nov 2011 : 07:45:49
I would add that we have not (so far) got the engine hot... we are trying to start it when "cold". Daytime temps are around 20c at the moment.

Originally posted by janmarine3

I have the Ser 3 Rapier and it battles to start when hot since I got it.I have done everything , including new bushes and brushes in the starter, the only thing I have not done is change the starter.In my opinion the starters on our vehicles are old and the armatures and fields are cooked from all the years of cranking and getting hot, and the copper has lost it's original properties. What you can do to check is start the engine from under the bonnet at the solonoid and see if it is any better, to eliminate problems from the ignition to the solonoid .
So I tend to agree with John on going for a new starter, there are modern high torque starters available on ebay but they are expensive.

janmarine3 Posted - 18 Nov 2011 : 02:26:44
I hear what you say Paul, I should have used the words 'battle to crank' instead of 'battles to start' ....There should be no differance in response from cranking from the key or cranking from the solonoid button.
Paul Posted - 17 Nov 2011 : 20:53:37
Originally posted by janmarine3

I have the Ser 3 Rapier and it battles to start when hot since I got it

When the engine is hot is when the starter's job is the least taxing. If you have problems when hot, it's usually down to fuel evaporation or carburettor setting problems. My Tatra 603 is almost impossible to start when hot because the twin Jikov carbs are right over the centre of an air-cooled V8 which is, in itself, designed to run on far less volatile fuels than we now have. The problem is getting any petrol vapour into the cylinders at all!!

Originally posted by janmarine3

. . . . . . What you can do to check is start the engine from under the bonnet at the solonoid and see if it is any better, to eliminate problems from the ignition to the solonoid .

That's just a low current circuit so will either work or not and, if not, then it's a simple circuit check to see where the fault lies. It certainly cannot be responsible for the starter running sluggishly. The only suspect component in that area would be the solenoid itself where the coil might not hold the contacts together as well as a finger might but checking for elevated temperatures at the solenoid's terminals would diagnose that fault safely.

It's worth remembering that not all solenoids have a button on the end which can be pressed to actuate them. All automatics, for instance, have either a metal cap covering the rubber membrane or, in later examples, a hard plastic replacement. The rather obvious reason is to prevent someone overcoming the interlock which prevents the engine being started in Drive.

My Alpine won't float! I need one which does!!
janmarine3 Posted - 17 Nov 2011 : 18:01:32
I have the Ser 3 Rapier and it battles to start when hot since I got it.I have done everything , including new bushes and brushes in the starter, the only thing I have not done is change the starter.In my opinion the starters on our vehicles are old and the armatures and fields are cooked from all the years of cranking and getting hot, and the copper has lost it's original properties. What you can do to check is start the engine from under the bonnet at the solonoid and see if it is any better, to eliminate problems from the ignition to the solonoid .
So I tend to agree with John on going for a new starter, there are modern high torque starters available on ebay but they are expensive.
Paul Posted - 17 Nov 2011 : 16:10:16
See if any of the following are getting hot:-

Both battery terminals.
The body end of the cable from battery -ve.
The large terminal on the starter motor.
Both ends of the gearbox to body cable.
Both large terminals on the starter solenoid.

My Series V Alpine (same era) was always a sluggish starter with the original M35G starter, especially first thing in the morning in ski resorts. I fitted a starter off a scrapped Arrow range car and it was much better but be warned that the two mounting bolts are closer together on Rootes cars than on most others. (4" instead of 4½" ? - from memory so don't quote me!!)

My Alpine won't float! I need one which does!!
johnc Posted - 17 Nov 2011 : 15:52:20
Hi Stella,
I had some problems with the starter on my SIV. The engine/body earth was suspected at first but was found not to be the culprit.I fitted a new starter obtained from in Spalding for £46.80 and shipped to France for £15 by Parcelsplease,problem solved.
Hope this helps


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