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 Electronic ignition/rev counter issues

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
johnc Posted - 26 Sep 2011 : 14:54:51
Hi all,
I've fitted the 1725cc engine in my Series IV (neg earth) with a new electronic ignition distributor and have a few problems which may be caused by the modification:-
1) the rev counter (neg earth) does not work.I have read that the change to electronic ignition can cause this.
2) how can I set the static timing? I cannot connect a test lamp to the LT wire as is usual as all the connections are sealed with the distributor.
3) without the rev counter working I have tried to use a timing light to set the dynamic timing but this is a little hap hazard.The engine seems to run best when the timing is about TDC+25 degrees,this does however seem excessive.
The distributor has ended up at nearly the block instead of the normal 'parallel' alignment,this seems odd but works.
Any comments would be appreciated
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johnc Posted - 06 Oct 2011 : 18:34:45
Thanks Jan and Paul for replies.
I'll check out the e bay guy for a tach but I have also been trawling the web and found a couple of companies that will update my tacho for about £100ish.
I have rebuilt the engine from scratch and did refit the oil pump.I was very careful to align the distributor drive 'dog' as per the workshop manual but maybe something did go out of alignment.Apart from the odd angle of the distributor to the block I assume no damage will result.I've tried swapping the leads around but cannot get them in a position that allows a 'normal' positioning of the distributor.
Paul Posted - 06 Oct 2011 : 16:42:16
There is no need to buy a non-standard tacho. as there is a special additional pulse unit available to drive tachos with external impulse loops which the supplier of your electronic ignition unit should be able to supply.

To set static timing with a timing light, disconnect the vacuum advance and set at tick-over.

Every tooth wrong when fitting the oil pump to the block will change the timing by 30° on a three bearing engine (which has 12 teeth) and just under 33° on a five-bearing engine (which has 11 teeth) but I doubt you've removed the oil pump so it just looks like you've got the plug leads one position out.

My Alpine won't float! I need one which does!!
janmarine3 Posted - 30 Sep 2011 : 14:39:12
John, I purchased my tach in 2008 and the ebay records are not available now, but as far as I remember as far as I can remember Member ID thegaugeshop09 on ebay is the guy who helped me with the correct tacho and the info of how to couple it up correctly.Drop him an email or ask a question on ebay and I am sure he will be able to help you. The model of my tacho is RVC 2414/00AF 12V negative earth.It is originally either from an MG or a Triumph I think , but it fits and works fine. Good luck.
johnc Posted - 29 Sep 2011 : 16:29:21
Hi Jan,
Thanks for the reply.Your experience with the change to electronic ignition suggests that my concern about the tacho may be correct,if it's not too much trouble I would be grateful if you could let me have some info about the supplier of the replacement.
I've sorted the timing,on a fast tick over it's about 11 degrees.
janmarine3 Posted - 28 Sep 2011 : 13:52:39
HI John,
I installed an electronic dizzy as well and have had no problems except that it is difficult to loosen or tighten the dizzy clamp when tuning because mine is very close to the block and needs a socket and extension to get in there. My dizzy has a vacuumadv retard connection but i do not use it , the dizzy sorts itself out, not sure if yours is the same.I know that you have to get a specific electronic revcounter to suit, it is not any electric revcounter that will work. I got one thru ebay , if you don't come right tell me and I will go back in the records and give you the guy's particulars, he repairs electronic gauges and stuff, it was long ago though.I can also take a photo of my leads and setup if you need it. My timing was just set by ear and eye too.
Make sure you have the leads and firing order correct according to the direction the rotor travels, anti clockwise if I remember correctly, and you need an 'hot' sports coil too to handle the extra voltage.

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