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 Current Drain.....Any ideas where?

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Hanley Posted - 17 Oct 2010 : 21:11:04
Hi Everyone,

I have a current draw that is flattening the battery in 2-3 days, is there a common place I should start to look?

Also I'm new to the wonderful array of instrument is the Rapier, particularly the ammeter...What should it show when ignition is off and then running? currently (no pun hehe) it sits mildly on the "-" and "+" when first started then drops back to slightly "-"

Does this make sense?

Many thanks as ever


XJ8, Beach Buggy, ZX9r, ZX6r, BSA Bantam D7 x2 , Gorilla Monkey Bike, Skyteam Monkey Bike , Honda 400/4.....and now I want a H120!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hanley Posted - 24 Oct 2010 : 20:10:53
Cracking idea....I'm off to shop on Ebay

XJ8, Beach Buggy, ZX9r, ZX6r, BSA Bantam D7 x2 , Gorilla Monkey Bike, Skyteam Monkey Bike , Honda 400/4.....and now I want a H120!
bigt80 Posted - 23 Oct 2010 : 16:26:48
Yes, those 'dis-car-nect' devices are very handy. I fitted one on my Ur quattro when I had it: only trouble was the battery was under back seat, but saved having to remove the battery for charging after being laid up.
Also David you are correct: the clocks take a 'drink' from the battery every so often and then run under their own power until they need another 'gulp'; be interesting to see how long it runs for before it finds no power available for top up. Cheers. Glen.
Holbay120 Posted - 22 Oct 2010 : 15:30:36
Hi Martin, ( er sorry Paul)I have a similar problem when the car is laid up for the winter, I could have just disconnected the battery and left it but I like to fire her up and let the engine get warm through every month or so plus I turn her round so the tyres aren’t sat on the same bit for months and to stop the clutch/brakes etc from seizing. So rather than mess around connecting and disconnecting the battery I fitted this little isolator switch which I got of e-bay for under a tenner on the negative terminal, it saves the battery and helps to provide extra security. The only thing I can’t figure out is although the car is dead the clock keeps on working! It must have it’s own internal battery?, anyway it would help as a temporary fix and as I say it provides extra security as well.

Best Regards

David McKenna
Hanley Posted - 20 Oct 2010 : 11:17:04
Hi Chaps

Thanks for the advice, bulb removal has started so watch this space.....

Re the gauge, it is very slightly on the "-" after starting it dives into the "+" for a while then settles down midway, does that sound ok?



XJ8, Beach Buggy, ZX9r, ZX6r, BSA Bantam D7 x2 , Gorilla Monkey Bike, Skyteam Monkey Bike , Honda 400/4.....and now I want a H120!
bigt80 Posted - 19 Oct 2010 : 15:06:10
Think 1922 has covered it, but my problems in the past have been boot light & a bad earth/short in the front sidelight wiring resulting in the bulb just glowing faintly even though sides not switched on, but agree taking bulbs out & disconnecting things in a systematic way should isolate the culprit, even though it might take a while to find. Best of luck. Cheers.
janmarine3 Posted - 18 Oct 2010 : 09:22:09
Hi, I put a light in the glovebox and the switch never operated properly, when the glovebox was closed I could not see the light would sometimes still be on.
Not sure about the fastbacks, but the ser rapiers have a few glass fuses that get dirty and loose , causes bad connections and have to be cleaned now and again.Stacks of stuff protected by only a few fuses.After starting the car the ammeter normaly shows charge around 25 amps and drops back to zero quite quickly. It should never show discharge while running providing the revs are high enough for the generator or alternator to charge. Sometimes guys install extra stuff on the 'live' side of the fusebox and will work independant of the ignition switch cuasing a drain if left on.You should find the problem though if you follow what 1922 says.
1922 Posted - 17 Oct 2010 : 22:34:49
When ignition is off the ammeter should be on zero. 2 or 3 days means something small - I had this on an Daewoo when I broke the boot lamp switch and the interior lamp in the boot was always on. I never had this problem with a Rapier.
Try disconnecting the battery and see if the ammeter goes to zero, if so you have a real drain not just an inaccurate gauge.
Rapier electrics are fairly simple fortunately so there are not many things it could be, try removing bulbs from boot lamp and glove box lamp. If not keep disconnecting stuff until it stops - hope this helps and best of luck

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