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 Fuel, Evaporation and Overheating

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Holbay120 Posted - 24 Jun 2010 : 15:27:54
Hi, I wonder if anyone else has had any problems or thought’s with fuel, fuel evaporation and whilst not exactly overheating getting very hot. Regarding fuel leaded four star is just about impossible to get so I’ve been using Tesco’s super (99 ron) and adding millers VSP plus additive. When it comes to fuel to quote Mungo Jerry “ some say dat and some say dis some say no and some say yis”, from this months Practical Classics :- valve seat inserts were fitted to all engines but officially you will need an additive or head conversion to prevent recession but engines fitted with an alloy head are less likely to suffer from this problem, so that’s very clear then er? also from the same magazine - with regard to fuel evaporation :~engines run hotter on today’s unleaded fuel and performance engines can make them (the carburettors) even hotter still. Hmmm well, when I’ve using my Rapier it is a so & so to start when it’s hot ( though fine when cold) and on a warm day it does run a bit warm- I have flushed the cooling system out changed the thermostat, changed the temperature gauge sender but it’s made no difference, I also bought a new water pump but the one on the car seems OK, so it’s wait until it’s a bit cooler outside or go with the heater on full blast ( which makes she who must be obeyed very happy!). I would imagine the 1725 fitted with twin SU’s would be considered a performance engine compared to the standard 1725 never mind the H120 so has anyone else any thoughts, opinions or ideas about this? I had thought about an electric fan (Kenlow etc) but where would you fit it? There is also the option of insulating the manifold but it’s expensive and I believe a bit hit and miss and finally cutting louvres in the bonnet but that’s a bit drastic and would ruin the car. I have heard of a larger radiator being made for some cars ie a Stag to cure these issues but not for a rootes car. So I wonder what you most knowlegable chaps out there in rapierland would have to say and any ideas some may have- (I await with baited breath!) Regards Etc

David McKenna
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
1922 Posted - 22 Oct 2010 : 12:57:10
My '68 spent many years driving between Cologne, Hamburg and Malmo on unleaded (usually at 80mph on the auto-bahn). It only got treated to 4-star on the occasional 800 mile trip home - it never had any trouble.

I had my 1840 engine built by Holbay in about 1990 - when I asked them about unleaded they said, in essence, "don't worry about you've got decent quality valves and seats".

If unleaded does cause trouble a head rebuild with new valves, seats and springs doesn't cost a fortune. If your car hasn't had it done for twenty years then it's probably about time it was done anyway - the combustion chambers, valves, guides and springs will be past their best.
bigt80 Posted - 16 Oct 2010 : 19:28:26
Hijacking thread here, but remember club has stripe sets available in a variety of colours! Cheers. Glen.

Originally posted by JPSH120

Sorry don't meant to give you any heart flutters, but for the sake of taking the thermostat housing off and just checking all looks OK inside its worth it.

I think mine probably had zero anti-freeze in it so the ally/steel combination with nothing but H20 swilling round resulted in some pretty shocking head corrosion!

Thanks for the tip off re stripes, on holiday tho from next Tues so not here to bid and pay for them.

They can be got tho and as I want high gloss stripes I may have to have some made anyway.

Not sure about a race, maybe some group photo's would be kinder!!

turbinecol Posted - 04 Oct 2010 : 13:16:22
Fuel changes are undoubtedly giving related headaches. Once we get more ethanol the problem is going to be getting worse too. Bad enough for the standard cars, let alone the Holbay ones I suspect.

I had my Sceptre running on leaded (very expensive and appears to be on the way out now from lack of demand according to FBHVC) and it was so so happy, I cannot tell you the difference it made to running. Smelled lovely too. Blew holes in the wallet though.

Any news on anyone getting recession on unleaded yet without additive? Probably still too early to tell..
SnoddersB Posted - 04 Oct 2010 : 12:52:15
My series car suffers from fuel vapour locking due I am told to the modern fuel being more volitile than the old 4 star. I have yet to find a solution due to the carbs being above the exhaust and thus after a stop of more than 5 minutes neet to prome by using the manual leaver on my fuel pump. One solution I use when rallaying is to open the bonnet when stopped awaiting tests, allowing the heat disipate, not much use in heavy traffic though.
janmarine3 Posted - 19 Sep 2010 : 06:56:07
Hi guys,
I am a bit late on the subject I know.
I found out with my rapier that even a small water leak makes it het hotter than wanted on those hot days. I also blocked off all the open holes next to the radiator so more air flow is concentrated on the radiator/fan area and it seems much better and yes ,quality anti-freeze is a must.
A six blade fan is also going to help, but they are so scarce these days.I am still looking for one.
I also have a hot start problem but I think it is becuase the cable from the solonoid to the starter might be a little too thin, and it runs too close to the exhaust tubes.
The guys add some engine oil to a tank of fuel and never have any problems using unleaded fuel, the plugs might have to be cleaned more often though.I have never used it but will add oil if I have to use unleaded.I have made a stainless heat shield that fits under the carbs and I have no evaporation problems so far, only irritating rattles at high revs , but I still have to fit soft mount kits.
JPSH120 Posted - 24 Jul 2010 : 16:44:40
Oh OK, I've already got some new shocks which will hopefully be OK once I've pumped some life into them. As for the springs, I'm hoping the spares I've got will be OK and better than mine which have sagged quite a bit. I did make contact with a firm up near Manchester that could supply a brand new pair but they were getting on for £300 so fingers crossed I don't need to go down that route!!

Glad to hear you've cured your cooling issues BTW

Holbay120 Posted - 24 Jul 2010 : 09:30:16
Hi Jason, I got the leaf springs and shackles etc from Glen, the springs had belonged to Vernon (I think) and they have been reconditioned, the shocks came from e-bay. I can give you the link to the chap who's doing it but I supplied all the parts myself.

David McKenna
JPSH120 Posted - 24 Jul 2010 : 07:54:17
Hi David.

I might be on the look out for some new leaf springs depending on how good the pair in my shed are that came off a car I broke.

Would be interested to have the details of the guy doing yours just incase?


Holbay120 Posted - 22 Jul 2010 : 17:11:55
Well after getting home I took the radiator out and took it to a radiator specialist who couldn't really find much wrong with it, the flow through seemed OK to them so I took the plunge and went for a rebuild anyway. It had a 2 core PAK and and now it has a 3 core GOT but its still the same size and went back in with no problem, I run it for quite a while checking for leaks and things and all seem to be OK, the only thing was the viscous fan which didn't stop spinning at a steady 4000 rpm - still I suppose that can only be a good thing, I'd much rather having it a bit cooler than a bit hotter. Hopefully that will be problem solved - all I need now is a hot day!Well we got a hot day so I've just has a run over the N'yorks moors to Whitby and back, heater switched off and plenty of long uphill steep gradients and the temp was fine so hopefully thats that solved. I've found a chap who's going to replace all the steering components to see if that will sort the camber out on Monday and he's also going to replace the rear leaf springs, shackles and shock absorbers- it's too big a job for me in my little garage with my limited equipment and of course ability/knowledge, so hopefully by Tuesday all will be well-fingers crossed!!

David McKenna
Holbay120 Posted - 03 Jul 2010 : 15:01:52
I just typed Sunbeam Rapier in google images one day and up came several pictures including 2 of yours - you know what happened then!-,since then I've looked for some of mine before I owned it, but not so far although I have found these two (which I didn't take)since I got it,

I have found loads of pictures that way and some are real beauty's!
Good luck with the stripes and have a nice holiday Regards Etc

David McKenna
JPSH120 Posted - 03 Jul 2010 : 10:58:59
Well naturally he will look as good if not better and more importantly be as good underneath as on top!

You have a lot of photo's have you been stalking me

Have decided to put a low bid on the stripes, I can find an internet cafe on holiday to pay for them if I win

Holbay120 Posted - 02 Jul 2010 : 20:49:56
Hello Jason, Yeah! a bloke could be killed to death giving him shock's like that, as I said when I get home I'm going to take the rad'to master radiators and flush the rest out again.Since I've owned the car I've always had anti-corrosive anti-freeze in it (I use Holts it doesn't seem to seek leaks out), of course I'm only joking about racing but if we ever did manage a meet I would naturally expect BJU to look like this:~

Pity about ths stripes, Hope You have a nice holiday Regards etc

David McKenna
JPSH120 Posted - 02 Jul 2010 : 18:18:12
Sorry don't meant to give you any heart flutters, but for the sake of taking the thermostat housing off and just checking all looks OK inside its worth it.

I think mine probably had zero anti-freeze in it so the ally/steel combination with nothing but H20 swilling round resulted in some pretty shocking head corrosion!

Thanks for the tip off re stripes, on holiday tho from next Tues so not here to bid and pay for them.

They can be got tho and as I want high gloss stripes I may have to have some made anyway.

Not sure about a race, maybe some group photo's would be kinder!!

Holbay120 Posted - 02 Jul 2010 : 15:04:46
CYLINDER HEAD!,are you trying to frighten me to absolute death? a bloke can only take so much you know!, actually I did think about the head gasket but it's been checked out and it's OK. When I bought the car Kim did tell me about this getting warm on very hot days so it's nothing new for this car - never the less I'm going to take the radiator out and have it overhauled, flush the system, change the thermostat again and have the fan checked out by a garage and if that does'nt work ??.It's good to hear (and see)

coming back to life, we'll have to have a race on a cold day!! Regards Etc PS there are some black holbay stripes just come up on

David McKenna
JPSH120 Posted - 02 Jul 2010 : 12:06:12
Hi David,

Further to the recent posts regarding your overheating concerns I was re-reading a recent article in practical classics last night on buying any of the arrows saloon range and it reminded me to mention to you it may be worth checking the cylinder head. If you're not sure about the anti-freeze content in the cooling system, you may have a problem with internal corrosion in the head which could lead to some of the symptoms you mention.

When I removed my thermostat housing I was shocked at the state of the waterways in the head but it did at least explain why my heater matrix was full of gunge and why the heater stopped working long ago!!

The same article also states that the head has high quality inserts making unleaded fuel OK to use although an octane booster is suggested for smoother running.

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