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 Rear Screen Seals & Glass Seals

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bigt80 Posted - 01 Sep 2011 : 21:54:36
Yo all! I didn't really know where to put this; so for now just general chat.

I've made some enquiries re parts; 1st, rear screen seals and got a quote for making up correct profile, but using extruded rubber that would make seal up in four pieces with glued and mitered ends. These would retail to club members for around �65. What I'm trying to gauge is interest & how many we might sell. The development costs aren't too bad, but the minimum order is 40, so it is a big outlay for the club which might end up being tied up in stock for some years. If we could sell about 25% pretty soon after delivery that would help a lot, so what do you think out there; would it be something you'd go for? Non-members would be looking at around 25% more. Incidentally I also got a quote for making a proper moulded rubber, not extruded, but this doubles the cost!

2nd, I've found what I think would be a decent replacement for side glazing rubbers: it fits into the stainless steel trim without clips and is of the right profile (It is soft enough to mould to shape of back windown, but firm enough not to pucker or drag on the windows when being wound up and down: it also has a soft flock edge that rest firmly against the glass. Not quite finished my experiments yet, but anticipate that a set to do all four side windows will be about �20 to members. No big outlay here, so no pre-order interest required, but watch this space for an update in the next week or so. It could still fail!


15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bigt80 Posted - 19 Mar 2015 : 08:58:20
Hi all, just resurrecting this thread & cutting a long story short, we're about to get the rear side & quarter seals finalised.
It looks like we'd be able to offer seal for both the insert and the stainless steel trim fitting.
Could those of you who expressed an interest please let me know if you have a preference? To members we are looking at c. £100 for the rear screen and side quarters, including the insert if applicable.
Appreciate if you could reply either here or on a quick pm to me if you prefer. Cheers! G.
bigt80 Posted - 31 Dec 2012 : 11:49:51
Hi, Ah, not logged onto Forum for a bit and have not had any note re PP Payment, will check into it and drop you a pm later. Cheers. G.

Originally posted by arrocuda

Got the email and just did the Paypal thing cos I thought it would save you a trip to the bank with a cheque. Is no rush to get them posted cos I'm still a little way off messing with the trim, although I will be getting back to it soon as this Audi is almost done.

Building the 'Mark II' fastback Rapier ('Arrocuda').

arrocuda Posted - 17 Dec 2012 : 18:38:09
Got the email and just did the Paypal thing cos I thought it would save you a trip to the bank with a cheque. Is no rush to get them posted cos I'm still a little way off messing with the trim, although I will be getting back to it soon as this Audi is almost done.

Building the 'Mark II' fastback Rapier ('Arrocuda').
bigt80 Posted - 12 Dec 2012 : 19:33:40
Should just come as an e-mail to you. Will try and send now. Cheers. G.
joffr Posted - 10 Dec 2012 : 20:58:26
Thanks Glen. Just one thing - where will the PM appear? I'm new to this
bigt80 Posted - 04 Dec 2012 : 21:05:24
Joffr & Arrocuda. Found 2 sets at Banbury on Sunday; run out of clips, so ordering some more of those - sorry Joffr, was not there long, so couldn't arrange a meet. Shouldn't be too expensive to post. Will let you know next week I expect, once clips are in. Will send you both a PM.
joffr Posted - 12 Nov 2012 : 22:16:34
That's great. Thanks Glen
bigt80 Posted - 10 Nov 2012 : 15:05:02
Originally posted by arrocuda

Hi Glen..... I'll take the other set as we originally agreed. Been so busy with other (non car related issues), I clean forgot all about them.

Building the 'Mark II' fastback Rapier ('Arrocuda').

Yes, will reserve you that last set. Will confirm when picked up from Banbury with clips and ones for joffr. Cheers. G.
arrocuda Posted - 08 Nov 2012 : 08:24:15
Hi Glen..... I'll take the other set as we originally agreed. Been so busy with other (non car related issues), I clean forgot all about them.

Building the 'Mark II' fastback Rapier ('Arrocuda').
bigt80 Posted - 06 Nov 2012 : 20:29:35
Yep; OK, still not had chance to get there, but hope to before Christmas! G.
joffr Posted - 25 Oct 2012 : 22:13:30
Hi Glen. Let me know when you are going and I could possibly meet you as I'm not that far away to save the hassle of posting. Cheers
bigt80 Posted - 13 Oct 2012 : 19:00:04
Yep, a couple of sets left, but now stored along with the other spares in Banbury. Was due to go tomorrow, but visit pp for a couple of weeks or so. G.
joffr Posted - 13 Oct 2012 : 01:12:48
Hi Glen. Are these still available?
bigt80 Posted - 17 Apr 2012 : 22:59:22
Another update: I've now fitted front and rear to my Kack-hander: all OK, albeit a bit fiddly. I now have correct clips to go with them; so sets are now available to club members at £25 a set

Set is: 3 strips (2 for front side window the one for rear side window with enough to make a spare should you go wrong!) 24 clips - 4 each for the rears and 6 each side to hold rubber in place on the fronts and 2 additional per side to clip where 1/4light is. I've also included a couple of 'S' clips for the door handle end of the front strip that might be useful.

Fastback Thomas, 1922 and Electricnick have reserved theirs. Let me know if anyone else would like a set. I will include a few 'tips' on fitting when I send them out.

Cheers. Glen.
Fastback Thomas Posted - 11 Mar 2012 : 19:45:11
Think I'd order the full set...
Just a question, or you Glen Mason, the fastback spares secretary?
and how about your radiator?

Sorry, just saw you are.. We are coming to England half may, and we are going to order some parts from the SROC spares, maybe I can pick everything up at the same time...

'68 sunbeam rapier fastback {B341006846 OD/LHO}
I like a car that looks normal but really knocks your socks off!!

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