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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JPSH120 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 19:52:23
Thought it might be interesting to see what other cars us rapier fans spend our hard earned on.

Steve has already shown us his rather tasty Audi;

And here's my 1998 Mk2 MR2 GT (revision 5)

What else have we got amongst us???

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JPSH120 Posted - 20 Nov 2012 : 12:18:16
A bit of an Audi fan than Dan??! Did you see Glen's post about his rare estate that is now in a museum??

I've had this now for a few months ;


HunterGLS Posted - 19 Nov 2012 : 14:28:51
Originally posted by 1922

Wow - some interesting cars.
I've only seen a 130 once!
Does the Ro80 still have it's ****el engine?

The Ro 80 has an Essex V4 conversion which is a shame. I am going to put it back on the road as is and see what can be done to get more power from the engine.
From the inquiries I have made converting the car would cost nearly as much as what the best rotary engines examples sell for.
1922 Posted - 19 Nov 2012 : 14:02:24
Wow - some interesting cars.
I've only seen a 130 once!
Does the Ro80 still have it's ****el engine?

HunterGLS Posted - 18 Nov 2012 : 14:07:07
Here are the rest of mine...

1981 Audi 200 5T. Coming to the end of a full restoration.

1982 Audi 100 CS

1979 Audi 100 Avant CD. Only 20,000 miles, back on the road very soon.

1973 Audi 100 GL

1974 Fiat 130 Coupe

1972 Hillman Hunter GLS.This is having a full restoration at the moment....

My latest purchase....
arrocuda Posted - 17 Nov 2012 : 12:48:34
When you said 'Monaro', I thought you meant....

Didn't realise just how out of touch with modern cars I am.

Building the 'Mark II' fastback Rapier ('Arrocuda').
1922 Posted - 17 Nov 2012 : 11:15:52
It's a Monaro VXR - really a Holden Special Vehicles GTO with a Vauxhall badge. But it shares a lot of components with the Opel/Vauxhall Omega.

1922 Posted - 17 Nov 2012 : 11:14:15
The fastest way from one petrol station to the next!
400bhp and top speed about 170mph (272kph).
It's going to be running on LPG as soon as I've got the money to do it.

Fastback Thomas Posted - 17 Nov 2012 : 10:44:15
Nice a six litre monaro?!
Goes good I imagine? ;)

'68 sunbeam rapier fastback {B341006846 OD/LHO}
I like a car that looks normal but really knocks your socks off!!
1922 Posted - 17 Nov 2012 : 09:48:26
I've now sold the Vectra and got something a bit more interesting

JPSH120 Posted - 06 Sep 2010 : 22:31:18
Here's a link to the exhibitors manual which contains all the forms you need to fill in. Any questions get in touch with Josette (details on document front page).

steve wilkinson Posted - 06 Sep 2010 : 21:13:50
That would be fine Jason, it's in May isn't it?
Would be nice to get a couple more local Audis involved. I know of a rally replica in Bridgwater and an early car with quad headlamps and rare Kamei body kit or perhaps a UR Turbo would be nice.Will see what i can do.Feel free to drop me any details of the show.
JPSH120 Posted - 06 Sep 2010 : 20:03:08
Steve - Can you bring the Audi to Shepton next year? I'm on a mission to get more marques at the show as its getting a bit stale.

If you're a member of the owners club you could always organise a club stand?

JPSH120 Posted - 03 Sep 2010 : 12:47:09
You're not far off, but you need the '[/IMG]' bit at the end also.

janmarine3 Posted - 03 Sep 2010 : 12:41:00
@@#$!! I don't know how to do this photobucket thing . Give up
janmarine3 Posted - 03 Sep 2010 : 12:37:59
Hi 1922. Check out this 1940 Hillman Minx I saw for sale here in SA.How is your's going ?

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